On 26 October, Universidade Portucalense hosted Workshop 1: “Food allergens – Good practices in Restaurants and Catering” as part of the ERASMUS+ ETDTFA project – Education and training development for the treatment of food allergies in the HoReCa sector (KA220-HED – Cooperation Partnerships | 2022-2-HU01-KA220-HED-000094859). This workshop aimed to publicise the results of Work Package 2 (WP2) developed by the various partners, with the participation of Ibersol as an institutional partner and several other specialists from the sector, the restaurant and hotel industry and education. This event also had the collaboration of students from the Tourism and Hospitality degree course who, as part of the Events Organisation and Management subject, were given tasks related to holding the event and drawing up a cultural programme for the international partners, with suggestions on what to visit and do in Porto. Following this workshop, the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting was held the next day (27/10/23) at UPT’s premises, to evaluate the work carried out, as well as to implement the various Work Packages provided for in the project.