Laboratory of Digital Technologies and Robotics


The Laboratory of Digital Technologies and Robotics allows to perform academic and industrial research activities. The lab is associated to a pedagogical innovation project exploring the concept learning by doing. It is equipped by drones, robots, a 3D printer, and a Duckie Town – a robotics and Artificial Intelligence ecosystem for education and research. The implementation of active methodologies (Collaborative Virtual Classrooms, Role Playing, Data and Tools for Problem-solving, Flipped Classroom, Game-based Learning, etc.) complemented with teaching materials (hardware and software), allow students to perceive the practical applicability of theoretical concepts and develop specific skills which can be applied in multiple domains.

Scientific Coordinator

Fátima Leal

Assistant Professor in the Department of Science and Technology at Universidade Portucalense

PhD in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Vigo, Spain. Her research is based on crowdsourcing information, including Trust and Reputation, Big Data, Data Flows and Recommendation Systems.

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