News (en)

Prof McCullough was the keynote speaker at the Relationship Marketing Summit

With the support of REMIT, Prof Brian McCullough (Texas A&M University) visited Universidade Portucalense on 10 and 11 April. On 10 April, Prof. McCullough was the keynote speaker at the Relationship Marketing Summit, held in the University’s Aula Magna. On 11 April, he met with the students of the Doctorate in Business Sciences, presenting his […]

Luís Pacheco and Jorge Marques, REMIT researchers, took part in the 1st International Conference of the Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”

Between 11 and 13 March, REMIT researchers Luís Pacheco and Jorge Marques took part in the 1st International Conference of the Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo”, in La Paz, Bolivia, on the theme “Scientific research: an approach from management, its strategic role in development and its contribution in the context of the climate crisis”, as […]

Nexus between triple bottom line and economic development

With the presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled “Nexus between triple bottom line and economic development”, doctoral student Elisabete Nogueira completed her PhD in Business Sciences on 8 March 2024. The thesis was supervised by Prof Dr Sofia Gomes, an integrated member of REMIT, and co-supervised by Prof João Lopes, […]

ERASMUS+ FENICE project honoured with the Quality label for outstanding results award

The ERASMUS+ FENICE Project ( was recently honoured with the Quality label for outstanding results award, presented by the Prime Minister of Bulgaria to the project coordinator from Varna University of Management. Along with other institutions, Universidade Portucalense participates in this project, which is coordinated internally by Prof Marília Durão, a researcher at REMIT. + […]

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