News (en)

Presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of the thesis entitled “Industrial tourism as a factor of competitiveness for industrial companies

With the presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled “Industrial tourism as a factor of competitiveness for industrial companies”, doctoral student Zulmira Montenegro Soares completed her PhD in Business Sciences on the 19th February 2025. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Jorge Marques, an integrated member of REMIT, and co-supervised […]

Projeto EUComplianceM4UA Kick-off meeting

Within the scope of the Erasmus+ project “EUComplianceM4UA – Implementation of the European Approach of Compliance Management in Higher Education in Ukraine”, REMIT researchers Carla Santos Pereira and Carla Azevedo Lobo participated in the 1st Transnational Project Meeting in Wismar, Germany, from 20 to 23rd January. The project’s central focus is the implementation of the […]

Presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled ““From the inside out: employee-based brand equity and b2b branding dynamics. An exploratory and multilevel analysis”

With the presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled ““From the inside out: employee-based brand equity and b2b branding dynamics. An exploratory and multilevel analysis”, doctoral student Bianca Maria Martins Sousa completed her PhD in Business Sciences on 20 December 2024. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Pedro Ferreira, a […]

Outsanding paper Award

The paper “Fans’ perceptions of pro-environmental sustainability initiatives in sport and triple bottom line benefits”, published in 2023 in the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, earned REMIT researchers Ricardo Cayolla and Joana Quintela the Outsanding paper Award, awarded by Emerald publisher. The paper can be consulted here: 

Outreach Day

As part of the Twin Navaux project, in which REMIT participates, a ‘Dissemination Day’ will be held on 18 December at the facilities of the Technological Support Centre for the Metalworking Industry (CATIM) in Porto.Prof. Fátima Leal, REMIT researcher and project coordinator, will be speaking at the session, which is entitled Towards the intelligent digital […]

REMIT Research Seminar

On November 26th another REMIT research seminar was held.In this seminar, Profs. Jacek Szoltysek and Grażyna Trzpiot (University of Economics, Katowice – Poland), presented the lines of research they are working on, followed by similar presentations by REMIT’s researchers João Carvalho and Helena Albuquerque. The objective was to share experiences, find common research interests and […]

SERV_ALL Seminar – “Service Quality in Allergen Management in Tourism and Hospitality”

The SERV_ALL Seminar – “Service Quality in Allergen Management in Tourism and Hospitality” took place on October 24 as part of the ERASMUS+ ETDTFA (Education and Training Development for Tourism and Food Allergy) project, currently under development at REMIT. The event was organized by undergraduate students from the Tourism and Hospitality Management programs, under the […]

Classes for the PhD in Business Sciences

Classes for the PhD in Business Sciences course began on October 23rd. In the first part of this session, Shital Jayantilal presented the Economics and Management Department and Luís Pacheco presented the PhD course and REMIT. After that, a former and a current PhD student, respectively, Elisabete Nogueira and Manuel Névoa, talked about their experience. […]

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