INNOVA /PromotINg research MaNagement at Higher EducatiOn Institutions in BoliVia and PAraguay /


The main objective of the INNOVA project is to improve the research management of Higher Education Institutions in Bolivia and Paraguay, with a specific focus on Climate Change. It is considered that the current situation calls urgently for effective formulation of legal and policy frameworks to articulate R&D actions at HE systemic level.

To achieve this main goal, INNOVA project intends to implement two specific objectives:

  • Firstly, development and consolidation of Research & Innovation policies in Bolivia and Paraguay, with a specific focus on Climate Change, to meet international standards.
  • Secondly, setting-up of an innovative Forward-Looking Platform to orientate coordinated and sustainable policymaking in the field of research management in Bolivia and Paraguay, drawing upon foresight methods.


Makhabbat Ramazanova

(technical coordinator)

Helena Albuquerque

(administrative coordinator)

Isabel Freitas

Fátima Matos da Silva

Jorge Marques

Luís Miguel Pacheco

Target Group

Primary target groups
  • Staff of the Research and Development Units
  • Academic Researchers
  • R&D policy makers
  • Senior management personnel
Secondary target groups
  • Students
  • Civil society organizations with interests in science
  • Companies and organizations

Work Packages

WP1 - Needs analysis and benchmarking

This Work Package aims to address the lack of significant, comparative and operational data and case studies on research and innovation practices and their supporting policies in the context of Bolivian and Paraguayan higher education systems with a focus on climate change. Among the tasks of the package are:

T1.1 – Identification of good practices in the field of research management in Bolivia and Paraguay.
T1.2 – Analysis of research and support policies in Bolivia and Paraguay.
T1.3 – Study visit to the EU.
T1.4 – Delphi Study: Analysis of future trends in climate change research.

WP2 - Creation of research management capacity in Higher Education

This Work Package aims to develop and provide a training program to transfer skills and knowledge in partner country universities. This contains the following tasks:
T2.1 – Development of a training plan and learning resources.
T2.2 – Strengthening Human Capacities in Higher Education Institutions through workshops.
T2.3 – Seminars.

WP3 - Institutional Building - Improvement of Research and Development

This Work Package aims to modernize, update and equip the Research and Development Units. This includes the following tasks:
T3.1 – Creation or updating of R&D units: strategic planning.
T3.2 – Modernization of the infrastructure of the R&D units.
T3.3 – Modernization of research policies.
T3.4 – Modernization of investigation services.

WP4 - Strategic construction: methods of creating networks, formulating policies and foresight

This Work Package aims to create a network to promote the initiation of a shared program among the regions in the field of research management. This includes the following tasks:
T4.1 – Creation of a Regional Network for Research and Development and Innovation.
T4.2 – Support platform for research management with a vision for the future.
T4.3 – Drafting of 2 White Papers “Improving research, development and innovation in Bolivia and Paraguay”.
T4.4 – National conferences.
T4.5 – Final international conferences.

WP5 - Dissemination and Sustainability

This Work Package aims to provide a multiplier effect and create sustainability in order to create a unified visual identity for the project. This includes the following tasks:
T5.1 – Definition of the dissemination and tool development plan.
T5.2 – Internal Dissemination Actions: Roundtables.
T5.3 – External dissemination actions.
T5.4 – Definition of the sustainability strategy.

WP6 – Quality
This Work Package aims to ensure the high quality of project activities and results throughout the project’s life cycle. This includes the following tasks: T6.1 – Establishment of the Quality Board. T6.2 – Definition of a quality assurance and contingency plan. T6.3 – Internal quality assurance control. T6.4 – External quality assurance control.
WP7 - Management

This Work Package aims to ensure the achievement of all project objectives, activities and outputs in accordance with the established work plan, estimated budget and set targets. Among the tasks of the package are:
T7.1 – Technical coordination, including meetings: (M1-M36).
T7.2 – Administrative coordination, including reports: (M1-M36).
T7.3 – Reporting: (M1-M36).


European Partners

Expected Results

  • Comparative study on research practices and policies in HE and Climate Change;
  • Training programme to transfer skills, knowledge, and capacities for R&D+i management,
  • Creating a network to promote the start-up of a shared programme between regions on R&D+i management;
  • Modernization, updating and endowment of Research units to consolidate their role in the HEI’s,
  • Multiplying effect and creating sustainability from the visual identity of the project.

Expected Impacts

  • Systemic impact: Inclusion of INNOVA policy recommendations within the legal frameworks for R&D&I in Bolivia and Paraguay;
  • Provision of improved R&D support services for researchers in higher education;
  • Promotion of multidisciplinary research on Climate Change issues at HE level, with special emphasis on Bolivia and Paraguay.
  • Enhancing research partnership and academic collaboration between partner universities.

Funding Program

European Union, Erasmus + KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education


36 months, January 2021 – December 2023

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