Presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled ““From the inside out: employee-based brand equity and b2b branding dynamics. An exploratory and multilevel analysis”

With the presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled ““From the inside out: employee-based brand equity and b2b branding dynamics. An exploratory and multilevel analysis”, doctoral student Bianca Maria Martins Sousa completed her PhD in Business Sciences on 20 December 2024. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Pedro Ferreira, a colaborator member of REMIT, and co-supervised by Prof.ª Dr.ª Sílvia Faria, from Portucalense University and integrated member of REMIT.

Presentation and approval, unanimously and with distinction, of her thesis entitled ““From the inside out: employee-based brand equity and b2b branding dynamics. An exploratory and multilevel analysis”
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