Education and training development for the treatment of food allergies in the HoReCa sector

ETDTFA | Education and training  development for the treatment of food allergiesin the HoReCa sector
Programme: Erasmus+
Action: KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Call: 2022
Project ID: 2022-2-HU01-KA220-HED-000094859
Duration: 26 Months (01/01/2023 to 01/03/2025)
Amount: 250.000,00 EUR

The project “Education and training development for the treatment of food allergies in the HoReCa sector” aims to assist agents in the HoReCa sector in managing and communicating food allergies to consumers. In this sense, the project proposes to create a set of educational tools, which allow contributing to the satisfaction of consumers’ special needs.

The project’s target audience is students in the area of hospitality and tourism, and managers and collaborators in the HoReCa sector, providing them with the acquisition of knowledge necessary for food management, simultaneously serving common values and undertaking a civic commitment to the organizations involved.

Responsible Researcher

Working Packages

Funding Program/Agency

Projecto coordinator


Budapest Business University
János Selye University
Istanbul Medeniyet University
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