• Acronym: EUComplianceM4UA
  • Project Title: Implementation of the European approach of Compliance Management in higher education in Ukraine
  • Project Reference: 101179706
  • Funding Programme: ERASMUS +
  • Key Action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices
  • Action Type: Capacity Building in higher education
  • Coordination: Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design
  • Project’s Total Funding: 396.862,88 €
  • Start Date: 01/11/2024
  • End Date: 31/10/2026


Project goals and objectives:
The project’s central focus is the implementation of the European approach to Compliance Management, with a strategic aim to elevate academic integrity, international management, entrepreneurship, business ethics, and legal aspects in less experienced Ukrainian HEIs.
The goal is to enhance teaching and assessment mechanisms for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), focusing on quality assurance, management, anti-bribery, and innovation in accordance with EU Compliance standards.

The objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Elevating teaching methods. The project seeks to improve teaching and assessment mechanisms, quality assurance, management, and innovation in Ukrainian HEIs by integrating EU Compliance methodologies.
  2.  Increasing accessibility of compliance education. Enhance the access and quality of Compliance Management education in the field of entrepreneurship, management, and law in Ukrainian HEIs to foster adaptability to European labour market requirements.
  3. Fostering employment stability for Ukrainian university graduates. Ensure stability of employment opportunities for UA university graduates in the context of European integration and globalization through compliance competencies.
  4. Empowering digital transformation. Promote digital transformation in teaching Compliance Management in Ukrainian partner HEIs through innovative tools, such as futurebook (e-book), podcasts, videos, and gamification solutions.


1. Improving the teaching staff´s capabilities and capacities in Compliance Management teaching and research.

1.1. Updating the EU content for enhancing the teaching skills of Ukrainian HEIs teaching staff according to EU experience and UA landscape.

1.2. Developing and providing one EU training program on Introduction EU Compliance Management education: innovation and interdisciplinary approaches.

1.3. Providing 4 online webinars (8 days total) on Compliance Management (management, economics, entrepreneurship, law, and business ethics aspects).

1.4. Developing 4 EU training programs and activities at “EUComplianceM4UAmethods” Summer school on EU teaching methods in Compliance Management education.

1.5. Providing the EU Summer school “EUComplianceM4UAmethods” on EU teaching methods in Compliance Management education (management, economics, entrepreneurship, law, and business ethics aspects).

1.6. Organising final international project conference

2. Developing 5 courses for Master’s students at Ukrainian HEIs to improve the level of competencies, skills as well as employability potential and the Guidebook for Master`s students “Compliance Management”.

3. Creating open micro-certified short-learning Compliance Management programs for business managers in order to better match labour market needs.

4. Empowering the digital transformation in the teaching of Compliance Management in Ukraine.

4.1. Creating an introductory educational video for showcasing the European experience in Compliance Management.

4.2. Creating The EUComplianceM4UA YouTube channel.

4.3. Developing the Futurebook (e-book) for Masters students “Compliance Management” (in English and Ukrainian).

4.4. Installing 5 university podcast studio.

4.5. Developing educational podcasts on Compliance in Ukraine.

Responsible Researcher

Partnership (UA partners):

  • Central Ukrainian National Technical University (CUNTU)
  • Izmail State University of Humanities (ISUH)
  • Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (S.KUZNETS KhNUE)
  • Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs (DonSUIA)
  • V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Associated partner:

  • NGO Professional Network of Research and HE Managers in Ukraine (PNRM Ukraine)
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