Promoting the use of Digital Twins in the shipbuilding industry in Galicia and North of Portugal

Duration: 01/06/2023 to 31/12/2025

Program: POCTEC

Coordinator: Axencia Galega de Innocación (GAIN)


The TWIN NAVAUX project, co-financed by the POCTEP 2021 – 2027 programme, focuses on promoting the use of digital twins (Dixital Twin) in the Naval Auxiliary Industry of Galicia and Northern Portugal, and aims to establish the technological and personnel training conditions necessary to facilitate the mass implementation of digital product distribution models, both in the naval sector and in other productive sectors in the Euroregion.

This project has the Galician Innovation Agency as its main beneficiary and the partners Asociación Clúster do Naval Gallego (ACLUNAGA), Universidad de Coruña (UDC), Centro de Apoio Tecnológico à Indústria Metalomecânica (CATIM), Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique, Ibercisa Deck Macvhinery SA, Industrias Ferri SA and Electrorayma SL.

Responsible Researcher

Other Researchers

Fernando Moreira

Sónia Rolland

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