
The Natural.PT brand, run by the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests, I. P. (ICNF) aims at the integrated promotion of the territory, products and services existing in the National Network of Protected Areas and its surroundings that share values with them and principles of sustainability and appreciation of nature and endogenous resources. This is an anchor initiative for the economic development of territories, which is why this project aims to develop an integrated model based on three pillars: cooperation in protected areas, spatial planning and collective brands.

Starting from the perspective of stakeholders and using social network analysis as a methodology, this study focuses on the perspective of public and private entities that adhere to the Natural.PT brand, assuming a mixed methodological approach, using questionnaires and carrying out interviews. This project is based on the combination of efforts between researchers with different areas of expertise and research interests, in collaboration with other researchers who may be interested, as well as master’s level students.

The pillars of this project have specific research questions:

Cooperation: Cooperation in protected areas: stakeholders’ perspective on the collective brand Natural.PT
Associated research question: From the perspective of stakeholders, how are cooperative relationships between members of the Natural.PT collective brand configured and what are their repercussions on the protected areas where they operate?

Spatial Planning: Spatial planning instruments and their relevance for the development of sustainable tourism strategies in protected areas
Associated research question: How important are territorial strategies and instruments for the sustainable tourism development of protected areas?

Collective brands and territories: The importance of collective brands for regional tourism in protected areas: a stakeholder perspective in Portugal
Associated research question: What is the impact of collective brands on regional businesses in protected areas: a stakeholder perspective in Portugal?
Research Group: Territories and Organisations for Sustainable Development (TOSD)

Sustainable Development Goals:

4. Quality education

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

15. Protecting Life on Land


Nogueira, S.; Mesquita, C.; Durão, M.; Albuquerque, H. (2023). The importance of Collective Brands in Protected Areas Management and promotion: Natural.PT, Portugal case study in Post-COVID Tourism – Tendencies and Management Approaches. IntechOpen: United Kingdom. DOI: – Web of Science Indexation.

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