Infrastructure for cloud-based system education: scalable implementation of Jupyter notebook system for scientific explorations
Project 2017-1-PL01-KA203-038747
Programme Erasmus+ KA - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Start date 01-10-2017 |
End date 30-11-2019
EU Grant: 111.948,00 €
Project Jupyter@edu tested and implemented innovative practices in the field of higher education. Moreover, it supported synergies with research and innovation activities and promoted new technologies as drivers of improvements in education.
Project Jupyter@edu was implemented by the following institutions from three European countries: University of Silesia (Leader) – Poland, University of Augsburg – Germany, European University Cyprus – Cyprus. In the first phase, the fourth partner from Portugal – Universidade Portucalense Infante Dhenrique-Cooperativa De Ensino Superior Crl. also participated in the project.
The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project was to deploy of cloud-based services for numerical and mathematical scientific explorations in the period of 10.2017-11.2019, equip it with modern tools like grading system and mutually motivate and engage to use it.
The specific objectives:
– Strengthening the cooperation between partner institution, increasing their internationalization through the exchange of good practice and to jointly develop universal teaching materials.
– Promotion of the idea of open education and open software
– Enhancing the quality and relevance of students’ knowledge.
The international consortium worked out the following intellectual outputs:
O1 – Jupyter notebook server – the deployment in Centre for Applied Sciences
O2 – Deployment of Python-based teaching materials for courses in science education
O3 – Use of unit tests in Jupyter notebooks for teaching in computer science and computational science.
Intellectual outputs are availabe at: https://jupyter4edu.smcebi.edu.pl/; https://github.com/marcinofulus/jupyter4edu and at the VALOR platform.
Long-term benefits are associated primarily with the lasting nature of the intellectual outputs, as well as the intensification of cooperation between partner institutions. The project results in enhancing the quality and relevance of students’ knowledge and skills and improving the quality of education. The main expected outcome of this project is the deployment of a scalable cloud platform serving Jupyter notebooks.
Main target groups of the project were students and academic staff of the participating universities.
Implementation of the project was linked with the strategies of a European, national and regional level. Among other project fits in the assumptions of the Europe 2020 Strategy. One of the priorities is Smart growth which includes developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation. Under Smart Growth target, EU flagship initiative “Youth on the move” aims to enhance the performance of education systems.
The project supported innovation and creativity through partnership. It complemented other operational activities carried out by the actors involved, and activities are complementary to other forms of support funded from other sources in all countries participating in the project, as well as in other European countries.
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