Connected Innovation: Business Transformation in the Digital and Sustainable Era
Digital transformation and sustainability are considered essential pillars for evolving companies’ business models. Adopting digital tools such as big data, artificial intelligence, and automation platforms allows companies to optimize processes, reduce costs, and increase operational efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. These technologies help improve natural resource use, contributing to more conscious and sustainable management. Furthermore, adopting the Triple Bottom Line concept, which integrates the economic, social, and environmental pillars, reinforces the need to balance profit with the positive impact on people and the planet. Companies that adopt this approach are more resilient and prepared to face future challenges by combining technological innovation with sustainable practices. The integration of these strategies promotes more sustainable and responsible business models, both digitally and environmentally. Sustainable entrepreneurship emerges as a fundamental aspect of this transformation, focusing on the responsible use of natural resources. This concept promotes innovations that preserve ecosystems and create economic value in a sustainable way.
Research Group: Territories and Organisations for Sustainable Development (TOSD)
Sustainable Development Goals
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
12. Sustainable Production and Consumption
13. Climate Action
14. Life below Water
17. Partnerships for Implementing the Goals

PhD Students
Carlos Henrique Correia Ribeiro
Adoption of digital technologies in organizations with a focus on artificial intelligence in the management control department
Diogo Araújo Dantas
Navegar na onda azul: O empreendedorismo azul – conceptualização, inovação e importância
Elisabete Nogueira
Nexus between Triple Bottom Line and economic development: an exploratory analysis of economic, environmental and social dimensions (completed in March 2024)
Isaac Nogueira
A transformação digital nos modelos de negócio: Uma perspetiva multidimensional ao nível interno e externo das organizações